If the institutional art world's governance resembles the NBA in its "commitment" to diverse leadership, what might constitute meaningful change? Legislation should replace wishful thinking and always requires organizing and coalition building. In California, as of January 1, 2021, all publicly held domestic or foreign corporations headquartered in California must meet minimum requirements for [representation of] female directors and directors from underrepresented communities on their boards as required respectively by SB 826 and AB 979. (Two years ago the legislation applied only to women and was more recently expanded to include people of color and alternative sexual expression.) Lawsuits against it remain.
Robert Atkins, co-author with Svetlana Mintcheva, Censoring Culture: Contemporary Threats to Free Expression
Before this went to press you should of done your due diligence concerning the director of P.S.1. Had you done so, you would of stumbled upon the fact that the director of that institution, showed “Marking time”. Curated by Dr Nicole Fleetwood in 2020-2021. An exhibition not in the mold of any of the colonial constructed, museum fascist approved exhibitions taking place that year, in fact, this exhibition was one of the most visible, if not “the” most visible exhibition that year, it gave a platform to artist not only traditionally shunned by the art world, and society itself, in addition, this same director is proactively engaging with the community that surrounds the institution. Something the previous director/MoMa flunkie, would never do, considering continual genuflections to his colonial masters. In closing, please do your research, before writing NON-FACTS, and we will respect what you have to say, when it is based on fact.
Thank you for your comment. You are absolutely right that PS1 has done great programming under the leadership of its currently director including Marking Time. The point of contention, which as mentioned in the piece is a statement from an artist collective, is not the actual programming of art institutions but the lack of diversity in the selection of their leadership.
May we republish this in the New Art Examiner?
If the institutional art world's governance resembles the NBA in its "commitment" to diverse leadership, what might constitute meaningful change? Legislation should replace wishful thinking and always requires organizing and coalition building. In California, as of January 1, 2021, all publicly held domestic or foreign corporations headquartered in California must meet minimum requirements for [representation of] female directors and directors from underrepresented communities on their boards as required respectively by SB 826 and AB 979. (Two years ago the legislation applied only to women and was more recently expanded to include people of color and alternative sexual expression.) Lawsuits against it remain.
Robert Atkins, co-author with Svetlana Mintcheva, Censoring Culture: Contemporary Threats to Free Expression
And for the individual, to do so is to risk exclusion from those very platforms and venues upon which artists' careers are staked.
thank you for this post.
Before this went to press you should of done your due diligence concerning the director of P.S.1. Had you done so, you would of stumbled upon the fact that the director of that institution, showed “Marking time”. Curated by Dr Nicole Fleetwood in 2020-2021. An exhibition not in the mold of any of the colonial constructed, museum fascist approved exhibitions taking place that year, in fact, this exhibition was one of the most visible, if not “the” most visible exhibition that year, it gave a platform to artist not only traditionally shunned by the art world, and society itself, in addition, this same director is proactively engaging with the community that surrounds the institution. Something the previous director/MoMa flunkie, would never do, considering continual genuflections to his colonial masters. In closing, please do your research, before writing NON-FACTS, and we will respect what you have to say, when it is based on fact.
Thank you for your comment. You are absolutely right that PS1 has done great programming under the leadership of its currently director including Marking Time. The point of contention, which as mentioned in the piece is a statement from an artist collective, is not the actual programming of art institutions but the lack of diversity in the selection of their leadership.