The Annual Beautiful Eccentrics Holiday Edition
Dear readers,
It is hard to believe that since January of 2021, when Beautiful Eccentrics first launched, I have shared with you close to 160 columns, which average about 300,000 words.
Each column takes many long hours of research and writing. What has motivated me to continue with this experiment is your level of engagement and the fact that each column often prompts new conversations, friendships, and even collaborations.
I am very inspired to continue with this experiment. But I need your help to make it sustainable.
Every year we do a fundraiser for Beautiful Eccentrics. This year we are making available two “Eccentric Editions”— a package of items that might serve as holiday gifts for friends and family. We offer two options:
Eccentric Edition Option #1:

A collection of 9 limited edition, small books containing 9 classic Beautiful Eccentric columns, published by Kiosk in Ghent (and part of the 2023 project at Kiosk, “Beautiful Eccentrics: Central Casting”). Signed.
A copy of The Pablo Helguera Manual of Contemporary Art Style, a social etiquette manual for the art world, (2007), signed
A one-of-a-kind found-text poem work, signed (dimensions 9x 6”), 2023
A complimentary Beautiful Eccentrics tote!
Cost: $250 USD + shipping
Eccentric Edition Option #2:

An editioned set of Método de discursos sociales- a visual card system for articulating research questions, (as described in this past column), with an accompanying description of each card and instructions for how to use them.
A copy of the original 2008 edition of ARTOONS, signed
A one-of-a-kind found-text poem work, signed (dimensions 9x 6”), 2023
A complimentary Beautiful Eccentrics tote!
Cost: $250 USD + shipping
Get BOTH editions: $450 USD + shipping
Limited supplies- order soon!
Please place your order by replying to this email (PayPal, Venmo, and other payment methods accepted).
Thank you once again for supporting Beautiful Eccentrics!